Lazarus has helped me turn my life around

I lost my job in 2015. When I didn’t receive my unemployment benefits due to administrative issues, I soon found myself living on the streets. I lived under a bridge for a year with my friend Fredo – he was the one who introduced me to Lazarus. I first met the Nantes support family after helping them move house and I soon met others at the monthly Lazarus lunches.
The Managing Director of Lazarus, Loïc, asked me if I would like to attend a local initiative to house homeless people during the winter. I agreed to go and that’s where I met Maximilien, a local shop manager. I told him that if he ever had any work for me, I was available. Shortly after that time, I fell into a two-month long depression.
I was physically and emotionally drained when I came across Loïc again. Thanks to him, I got back in touch with Lazarus.
Eventually, I started receiving unemployment benefits. I used to walk up to restaurants but didn’t dare go in. I kept thinking I’d be thrown out. Then, remembering that I had some money from the unemployment benefits, I sat down to a restaurant meal for the first time in a very long time.
I’ve since moved into a Lazarus flat and found a job thanks to Maximilien! Lazarus has given me so much. I feel truly welcome here!